Instagram Marketing

What is Instagram marketing?  Instagram Marketing is one of the most effective methods of social media marketing.  In this article, we have tried to talk briefly about the definition of Instagram marketing and its benefits for businesses and Instagram marketing training, which is very necessary for managing social networks.

What is Instagram?

 Instagram is one of the popular social networks that has 800 million active users and has easily replaced Facebook in Iran.  Instagram marketing is one of the social network marketing methods in which you can easily find your target customers and promote your business.  According to Oberlo statistics:

 Instagram has more than one billion monthly active users and 500 million daily stories.

 Instagram is the second most visited network after Facebook.  Insta users spend an average of 53 minutes a day on this platform.

 About 71% of businesses in the United States use Instagram.

 Nearly 45% of Instagram users are between 18 and 44 years old.

 It’s clear that Instagram is no longer just for personal use, but a global platform that allows brands to share their content, attract new talent, showcase their products, and give new ideas to their audience.  About 59% of active users of this platform visit Instagram daily and spend at least 7 hours a week browsing content and interacting with friends and brands.

 Instagram can help any business increase brand awareness and introduce new products.  Every month, 130 million Instagram users engage with shopping content.  Instagram allows you to promote your brand and product in a friendly and reliable way to your customers and increase your sales.

What are the benefits of Instagram marketing?

 One of the questions you may have is what are the benefits of Instagram marketing?  The main advantage of Instagram marketing over other social media platforms is its visual nature.  If you have a

product whose sales increase by showing the designs and details of the product, Instagram is the best platform to display that product.  Any type of video, image and infographic can be suitable content for Instagram.  But in the end, it is your Instagram marketing strategy that determines what kind of content to produce and post at specific times.  Creating a specific strategy before entering Instagram marketing is one of the best options.

What businesses is Instagram marketing useful for?

 The answer is everyone.  Instagram marketing is very effective for all businesses, from factory owners to stationery sellers.  If and only if you know how to do Instagram marketing, you will succeed.  Because Instagram is evolving and improving day by day, and knowing the marketing methods on Instagram will guarantee your success.

How to create your Instagram marketing strategy?

 With 8 million profiles, Instagram is the best platform for marketing, but the important thing is, is it possible for your brand to be seen in this crowded world?  Yes.  You can guarantee your success with Instagram marketing strategy.  Instagram requires a distinct marketing strategy, and you can start with these steps to develop your unique brand style:

 Design goals on Instagram.

 Find your target audience on Instagram.

 Competitor analysis.

 Creating an editable content calendar.

 Branding on Instagram.

 Increase followers in a fundamental way

Design goals on Instagram

 Before starting Instagram marketing and any activity on Instagram, it is better to know your goals.  Businesses can have various goals in this field, such as:

 Some businesses enter Instagram to interact more with the customer, so that the customer gets to know more about the activities that are less seen, as well as the work culture of that brand.

 Some big businesses use Instagram to establish their position.  For example, Samsung does not try to increase sales on Instagram, but in this way, it works to establish its brand and share its philanthropic activities to stay in people’s minds.

 Most businesses use Instagram to increase their sales and in fact consider Instagram Marketing as a way to increase sales.  For example, Digikala or Bamilo use Instagram to sell their discounted products or new products to their audience.

 So the goals on Instagram can be very different.

How to find your target audience on Instagram?

 Before starting marketing on Instagram or Instagram marketing, you need to define your target audience.  Many people have made profiles on social networks, especially Instagram.  Your target audience is actually someone who is interested in your brand, the content you produce, and the products and services you offer.  In order to attract the audience to your page and to sell a product, you must pay attention to their characteristics.  Age?  Gender?  What exactly are they interested in?  What content do they like?  In the following, we will specifically mention the main methods to find the target audience in social networks:

1.  Collect information about your audience and followers:

 From the past until today, hashtags have been one of the most important methods of attracting users on Instagram.  By searching hashtags on Instagram, you can tag your posts with related hashtags to get more views and get better exposure.

 What people do you want to interact more with your social networks?  Get started with information about people who have purchased from you, followed you, and interacted with your content.  Consider the following data:


 You don’t need to focus on a specific age.  It is enough to know which decade or generation your audience is from.

 Location and time zone

 Where in the world do your Instagram audience live?  Knowing this will help you choose specific geographic areas for your field of activity.  If you find out which region your most audience is from and you can produce content according to the time of that region.


 What is the language of your audience?  Be sure to consider that your audience may not speak your language.  You need to speak the language of your audience to make them understand your content better.


 Is the financial ability of your target audience good?  How much is your target audience willing to spend on social media?


 What would your target audience like to do?  What programs to watch?  What brands are they interested in following besides you?

2.  Attracting audience with hashtags:

 From the past until today, hashtags have been one of the most important methods of attracting users on Instagram.  By searching hashtags on Instagram, you can tag your posts with related hashtags to get more views and get better exposure.

3.  Attracting audiences in a nearby geographic location:

 To find an audience that is geographically close to you, one of the best methods is Instagram marketing to increase sales.  Find all the tagged posts in your niche. Then try to attract them.

4.  Enter the Instagram link on the site:

 You can do this by adding small square Instagram icons to the header, footer, and sidebar of your site.

5.  Monitor audience activity:

 One of the most important steps to find the target audience is to monitor their activity.  Check which channels and social media your audience uses the most.

How to analyze competitors' social networks?

 There are two types of competitors for your Instagram business:

 Direct: Businesses that offer the exact same products and services.

 Indirect: Businesses whose products can substitute for yours.

 Now that we are familiar with the types of competitors, let’s examine the competitor analysis process:

 Identification of competitors in all social networks

 Examining the type and strategy of content on Instagram

 Examining the audience of competitors’ pages on Instagram

 Conduct SWOT analysis

 Checking the level of user interaction with the business account

 Examining changes over time

What is the importance of branding on Instagram?

 Branding on Instagram and success in Instagram marketing is not as easy as you think.  Achieving the trust and attention of the audience requires your continuous follow-up.  Using the following 4 steps, you can improve your Instagram page in such a way that branding is formed along with consistency and flexibility:

 Consistent and relevant messaging for branding on Instagram

 Use images with your own format

 Using fixed fonts in texts for branding on Instagram

 Posting at fixed and specific times

What are the ways to increase Instagram followers?

 One of the things that is very effective in Instagram marketing is having a large number of followers.  If you follow these 3 principles, you can reach thousands of followers in the shortest possible time:

 With the help of content creation

 The effect of interaction with the audience

 Help from advertising

Types of Instagram content favored by businesses

 For Instagram marketing, it is very important to know the types of content.  The types of Instagram content that businesses are interested in are as follows.

 Product-oriented content that revolves around your business’s products or services.  In fact, in this type of content, you review your products from different angles.

 Customer-centric content centered around your business customers.  For example, publishing your users’ comments on Instagram is a customer-oriented content.

 Employee-oriented content that is used to introduce people behind the scenes of the company or its employees.  For example, a language school has produced an employee-oriented content on its language page if it introduces its professors.

9 preliminary principles that you must know to start Instagram marketing!

 In order for your profile and posts to be more optimal, you must follow these tips:


Choose the name of your page correctly and appropriately because people will find and follow your name by searching for it or tag their comments using that name on their page.  So be sure to take some time to choose a suitable name that is easy to write and read.


An Instagram business profile should be public so that anyone can easily see its contents.  Some people mistakenly set their Instagram business page to private.


One of the most important points is your Instagram profile picture.  Business photos should be their logo unless there is a special reason for this.  In the next row, the photo should have the required quality, because the low-quality profile photo will not be very interesting.


The fourth point is related to your name, which should be right under your profile picture.


Your bio profile is the suit of your page and it should be very stylish and formal, it is better to have the most impact on your audience than the 150 characters that you can use.


The sixth tip to improve your business brand is related to the website section where you should enter your company’s or organization’s website address.  This will increase the prestige of your business.  You can also use this address for a landing page or Telegram channel, which we do not recommend.


Be sure to use the location tag, which helps you appear better in the search section of Instagram to get more users.  For example, you have placed a picture of your business environment and you specify where this picture is by using the location tag.  According to Instagram statistics, posts that use the location tag are seen more than other posts and engage users more.


Use quality photos in your posts.  If you look a bit in your search section, you will come across thousands of quality photos, so don’t damage your business brand with low quality photos.


Never neglect the impact of hashtags.  Use relevant hashtags in your posts.  Instagram for each published post;  It has a limit of 30 hashtags, but it does not mean that you must use its full capacity.  Usually, using 10 to 11 hashtags per post is effective.

Now you know other Instagram marketing tricks for 2022

 Today, all internet businesses must use Instagram marketing to have successful marketing and sales.  Undoubtedly, with a correct and principled planning, unique results can be achieved.  Just use the tips collected by Rasam and be firm in your decisions.